Healthy Gut


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Gut health - what is it and why is it so important?

“Gut health” describes the function and balance of bacteria within our gastrointestinal tract. That’s the nine-metre-long tube that delivers food from our mouths all the way to...the exit. A lot goes on in there from the digestion of food to the absorption of nutrients amongst other things. So, it’s no surprise that the gut has a huge impact on our health. A healthy gut supports heart health, brain health, a strong immune system, your mood, your sleep and maintaining a healthy weight to name but a few.

When it comes to a healthy gut diversity is key - that means a diet rich in different types of fibre from various sources. The simple solution is that any and all plant- based foods are a big YES! Think INclusion rather than EXclusion. We would recommend aiming for 30 different plant-based foods every week,more if you can! And this box is a great start ...

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Getting the best products in this box was our number one priority and that’s why we enlisted the help of certified Nutrionist, Rebecca Heald. So, not only will you get a box of amazing products, but you will also get information on how they can help support you to get a healthier gut.

Sound good? Great, well take a look below.

What is in the box and why?

  • The Gut Stuff by Alana and Lisa Macfarlane 

    It’s clear the gut is important so learn more about what it is, how we can improve it and the benefits it has. This is a great guide with lots of humour. Happy reading.

  • Bio&Me Low Sugar Prebiotic Granola (360g)

    Unlike refined breakfast cereals, the fibre in granola helps to reduce inflammation in the gut by increasing levels of healthy gut bacteria. But don’t think that means zero taste, we think you’ll have a new breakfast favourite after trying this!

  • Merchant Gourmet Simply Cooked Glorious Grains with Red Rice; Quinoa (250g)

    Eating whole grains beneficially impacts the microbial profile of the gut. This is associated with boosting the immune system and moderating gut inflammation. Sounds like a great reason to eat multigrains to us!

  • Yum & Yay Splendid Milled Mixed Seeds (200g)

    Seeds are loaded with dietary fibre and help promote the growth of healthy bacteria. They’re also a versatile ingredient so why not add a quick pop of texture to your next meal or enjoy as a snack.

  • No.1 Living Kombucha Drink Health Shots - Blueberry, Elderberry & Acai (60ml)

    Kombucha is a fermented drink jam packed full of antioxidants and live bacteria which helps digestion and your immune system. This shot puts the good bacteria back in your gut that processed food and medications often take away. It may not be the type of shot that you are used to, but this kind has a lot more benefits!

  • Robinsons Mini, No Added Sugar, Low Calorie, Apple and Blackcurrant (66 ml)

    Water is essential for a healthy gut. Drinking enough each day helps regulate bowel movements, balances your good bacteria and avoid gastrointestinal infections. A great way to increase your intake is to add a couple of flavoured drops to your bottle.

Wurkplace Wellbeing has worked with a nutritionist to create this box to promote better gut health. Your individual health is also very important to us. Whilst this box seeks to promote better health it does not replace any professional medical guidance. Please consult your GP if you are concerned about any new or existing (mental or physical) symptoms that you are experiencing. Please also follow all individual product guidance to ensure correct use and consult your GP about individual suitability where appropriate.